Affiliate Program
We are delighted that you want to become an affiliate to We The Haven. Spreading the word and the love of what we are all creating together is truly one of our favorite ways to grow!
This is how it works:
Apply by submitting your application here
We review all applications on a weekly basis
If approved, we then reach out to you and send your affiliate link to promote to your community and network.
Your Earnings & Referral Commissions:
If a new member purchases our monthly plan, you earn $27.5 USD.
If a new member purchases our yearly plan, you earn $137.5 USD.
The reason are approximate commissions, as this is a new experimental program for us and we can't confirm yet the fees that are subtracted from our paywalls regarding the transactions made.
You will be asked to setup input your Wise account details, if you don't have a Wise Account, we HIGHLY suggest you open a free account, we are such huge fans!
Here's our affiliate link.
The cycle of giving and receiving, y'all. We love it! đ